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Ektelon Smash Longbody AND Wilson Racquetball Racquets with covers Free Shipping

Estimated price for orientation: 35 $

Category: Wilson

Brand: Ektelon and Wilson Model: Smash and Nitro

Two Racquetball Racquets – Wilson Nitro and Ecteleon Smash
Both of these racquets are in pretty nice condition but do have some scrapes from normal use.
The Wilson Nitro is Smash is 22” long and the face width is approximately 10”. It has a new overgrip put over the original grip, but admittedly, I’m not the most sophisticated re-gripper on the planet. The original grip size is 3 7/8.
The Ectelon  Samash is also 22” long and the face width is approximately 9.5”.
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